Some of Our Chows # 2 Chow in Canada 2006 Can\InNat.Ch. Chinabar's Tickle Me Elmo (BISS) Ch. Chinabar's Lil Bit Of St Nick Ch. Sevenacres Angel At Chinabar
Owners Leonard Hanson & Douglas Johnston
Judge Donna Cole - Handler Candy Jenson Ch. Chinabar's Funtoy O Sevenacres Owner Kitty Egan Owner: Al Howard Ch. Chinabar Lohan Sir Hairy & Ch. Chinabar's Man-Dell-AA (BPIS) # 2 Chow in Canada 1993 Ch. Chinabar Lohan Sir Hairy "Mikey" Ch. Chinabar's Man-Dell-AA (BPIS)
Ch. Chinabar's Kitty Kitty Kat Chinabar Cherie's Rainer (BPIS)
Owners: Harry & Suzanne Staines & Kitty Egan Owner: Richard & Elaine Hoepponer
Ch. Chinabar's Lohan Party Animal Ch. Chinabar's Kodi Ak Sporting Group I Hound Group II Working Group III Terrier Group IV Toy Group V Non-Sporting Group VI Herding Group VII Miscellaneous Breeds
Artwork cannot be reproduced for sale or profit in any manner without express written consent from the artist . This includes paintings sold on the internet. Suzanne's Artwork is in Collections around the World, some of the Countries are, Canada, US, England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, South Africa, Finland, Holland, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Sweden, Croatia, Solvenia, Italy, Australia, Bermuda, Spain, France and New Zealand.