Page Updated - 03/10/2008 19:57
Non-Sporting Group 6
ogs & ats by uzanne
Tibetan Spaniel
French Bulldog
Chow Chow Lhasa Apso
Bichon Frise Chow
Frenchie Puppy & Boston Terrier
French Bulldogs
French Bulldog Puppy
Lhasa Apso Dalmatian
Bichon Frise
Tibetan Terrier Schippeake
Miniature Poodle
Boston Terrier
Standard Poodle
Shih Tzu
Chow Puppy
Shiba Inu French Bulldog
Breeds A to F Breeds G to M Breeds N to R Breeds S to Z
Sporting Group I Hound Group II
Working Group III Terrier Group IV
Toy Group V Non-Sporting Group VI
Herding Group VII Miscellaneous Breeds
Cats & Kittens Our Chows Links
Artwork cannot be reproduced for sale or profit in any
manner without express written consent from the artist .
This includes paintings sold on the internet.
Suzanne's Artwork is in Collections around the
World, some of the Countries are,
Canada, US, Australia, Bermuda, Barbados, Croatia, England, Finland, France, Holland,
Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden,
Solvenia, Spain, Thailand, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, and Wales.